Space Allocation Process and Timeframes

he Greenhouse Space Allocation Committee (GSAC) assigns space in the NHB greenhouse four times per year by quarterly dates. P.I.’s can request space in 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, or 12 month blocks of time. Each P.I. may lease 1 greenhouse room/1 walk in growth chamber/1 reach in growth chamber for up to a one year maximum lease. Any additional space requested by a P.I. beyond the 1/1/1 policy is limited to a three-month maximum lease.

Each P.I. is required to submit a new space request or a space request extension at the end of the assigned lease period for each space leased if the P.I. wants to continue using space in the greenhouse.

A 4 week window between the last day to submit a space request and the quarterly start date allows the GSAC to review the requests and notify P.I.’s of their decision in a timely manner. 

Invoices for leased space are billed to the P.I.’s account at the end of each month the space is occupied and a receipt for the invoice is emailed to the P.I. for their records.

P.I.’s can cancel the lease of space at any point during the timeframe if the space is not required for the entire timeframe requested. Notify the GH manager the space is no longer needed by email, remove all items from the space, and clean the space being vacated. The GH manager will stop charging the P.I.’s account once the space is clean and vacated. 

The deadline to submit a space allocation request for each quarter and the date range for each quarter is listed in the box below.

QuarterDeadline to submit space request per quarterQuarterly start/end timeframe
Q1December 1stJanuary 1st through March 31st
Q2March 1st April 1st through June 30th
Q3June 1stJuly 1st through September 30th
Q4September 1stOctober 1st through December 31st